Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kingdomhearts 3 opening

Kingdomhearts 3 opening

PLEASE CHECK MY NEW KH3 OPENING ON THE VIDEO RESPONSES. ALSO I KNOW THAT THE NEW GAMES ARE BBS-PSP 382/2DAYS-DS AND CODED-MOBILE...IM NOT DUMB...I KNEW THAT ONE HOUR AFTER THE NEWS WAS RELESED...IM NOT DUMB!!!!! DONT COMMENT ON THINGS LIKE THAT....RETARTED IDIOITS.....OTHER THEN THAT THX FOR THE PEOPLE WHO KEPT WARNING PEOPLE FOR THE DESCRIPTION....THANKS :D This is the official kingdomhearts 3 opening.Squer Enix is realiesing kingdomhearts 3 in 2008 with my opening.(Thats what id really loved to say,this is a video made by me.This is somthing made by me.I just thought to use my imagination to think what kingdomhearts 3 opening would be like.(That is never going to come true)*Feeling very sad*. Song:Sanctuary Artist of the song:Utada hikaru(japan pop star) Game:Kingdomhearts 1-2(i wanted it to be 3*feeling sad again* Creator:Khalid1443891 Please comment.Saying good things or giving me tips helps me alot and makes me feel good about this vid.Dont caurse and any of those other stuff in this list of comments(i will delite them immedietly).If you do not like it,dont comment at all.Please rate and comment at all times. THIS IS COMPLETLY FAN MADE! My youtube friend send me this link to a kh3 cover.(FAKE) just want you guys to look at it! http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/4255/kingdomhearts3mv1.jp...